We have the skills and resources to supply completely assembled units to your specifications.
We can handle complex BOMs of up to 9 levels, producing every mechanical component.

Our service is comprehensive and also includes the procurement of all the commercial components specified in your BOM (such as bearings, electric motors, pneumatic or hydraulic parts, etc.). We assemble, test and verify the units against your assembly drawings.

We look after all the assemblies: mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical. Our service includes the assembly of small units or large systems; this means we can do large repeat runs of machines as well as prototype machines.

Legal and productive headquarters:
  • Via Nazionale 21
    47017 Rocca S. Casciano (FC)
  • +39 0543 960336
Administrative headquarters:
  • Via Roma 188 int.8
    47014 Meldola (FC)
  • +39 0543 815962
Productione headquarters:
  • Via Tosco-romagnola 45
    47010 Portico di Romagna (FC)
  • +39 0543 967245